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10 Ways To Quickly De-Stress Yourself To Prevent Hair Loss

28. October 2015
quickly de-stress

Did you know that stress can make you lose hair? I experienced that, recently. In order to prevent any more hair damage I had to learn to how to quickly de-stress myself. In the last few months I have been really stressed out and I noticed that my hair was suffering. It was not that kind of short-term stress. No, it was much more. In July, I was told that my ex boyfriend has committed suicide. It took me a while to deal with it. I couldn’t really sleep and I also began to eat bad foods which I think raises the level of my stress hormones and also my weight. My hair was super dry and dull.

How to quickly de-stress yourself

I was at a point where I realized that I have to take more care of myself. Here are 10 ways how to quickly de-stress yourself to prevent hair damage.

1. Create a morning routine. Recently, I have posted an article how I created a morning routine. It will help you to start the day successful and without any stress. The best thing for me is that I don’t have to make any decisions e.g. what I want to wear or what I would like to eat for breakfast.

2. 3 things that made you happy. At the end of the day write down three things that made you happy or smile during the day. Yes, it sounds a lot if you do it every day however you will see, that little things made you smile or even happy. I always try to refer back to them when I am feeling stressed.

3. Create a stress journal while listen to relaxing music. This is something I have started years ago. Have you ever kept a diary? Every time I close my diary I feel much better.

4. Create useful affirmations. Affirmations are great to repeat in your head. If you don’t know how to create them. Sign up for our newsletter and you will receive a free Ebook with “40 Affirmations To Start Your Day Positive”.

5. Pamper yourself. Allow yourself to get a massage or a professional pedicure. I love these days.

Quickly de-stress yourself2

6. Candles and Flowers. When you arrive home after work or a busy day light some perfumed candles in your bathroom to give it a cosy atmosphere. Or put some flowers in your living room or bathroom. I love it. It will change the whole setting of a room.

7. Start to working out. You don’t have to go to a gym. You can find many excercises on the internet. The only reason why I am going to the gym is to work with a trainer in order to do the exercises correctly. I feel great afterwards.

8. Practice breathing exercises or meditation. This is something I love after a Yoga session. It calms me down. In the beginning you will notice that it is hard to quiet your thoughts and to stay focused. Don’t give up, you will get better each time.

9. Cleaning. Cleaning your flat will help you to clean your mind.

10. Food and Friends. Invite some friends to cook and to talk to them. Have you seen my last post about “Foods for hair growth“. Make sure to always involve some of these foods in your recipe.

These 10 tips how to quickly de-stress yourself are easy to incorporate in your current life. You don’t need to spend dollars for an expensive spa weekend or a retreat. You can do everything at home. Each of these stress-relieving tips helped me to change my habits which were necessary to take care of myself.


What do you do when you need to quickly de-stress yourself?



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