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    F**k Society’s Idea Of Beauty

    What is your idea of beauty? Can beauty be defined by age, skin color or body shape? Confucius once said “Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it”. Who gets to decide? We…

    4. October 2015
  • Africa Fashion Week – New York 2015

    Africa Fashion Week – New York 2015

    A one-day activation under the Africa Fashion Week brand took place on Friday, September 11, 2015 at the Broad Street Ballroom (41 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004). Hosted by Adirée Communication and PR…

    21. September 2015
  • Dyana Gaye 1

    Dyana Gaye (Director and Writer)

    42 Films by directors from five continents and 28 international guests (including filmmakers and activists from the USA, Jamaica, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, France, and Germany) – all this is offered by the AFRICAN DIASPORA…

    15. September 2015
  • Grass Fields Sales

    SALE – Grass-Fields

    Are you looking for an African inspired maxi skirt or dress? Grass-Fields could make you happy. I previously known as The African Shop on Etsy, I discovered the UK based online shop one year…

    11. September 2015