
Paula Almeida (Model)

14. April 2015

“I never had any hair inspiration”


Paula Almeida is a beautiful Brazilian model with a big Afro and a great personality. She believes that everything is possible with love, faith and peace! Paula has taken some time to talk with us about being a model nowadays and her Frolicious hair.

Frolicious:What was life like for you growing up with a head full of lovely curly hair?
Paula Almeida:
Well, Its only in few years that I have my “head full of lovely curly hair” hahaha. When I was a little kid my mom styled my hair, in a kid kind of hair always really cute. When I became a teenager I started to do chemical treatments to get it straight. So later on, when I was 16 I stopped to do chemical treatments to be natural and be free, so I let my hair grow and get the curly popped up! I loved!

Frolicious: Which women that looked like you did you idolize as a child?
Paula Almeida:
I never had any hair inspiration.

Frolicious: What is it really like being a model?
Paula Almeida:
I always dreamed to be a model. So I love what I do and Im really thankful to God for everything. I love the new experiences, the travels, meet new people, and work with something that I like. Has a lot of obstacles in your way. But only need to be patient, do your best and keep on! When you love something that you do everything became a bit easier because you don’t see the bad side.

Paula Almeida Fashion Model

Frolicious: So many women of color are perpetrators or victims of colorist even amongst themselves. What are your thoughts on this light skinned/dark skinned issues?
Paula Almeida:
For me I can not see any difference, to be truth I never think about this things, be colored or not. But I know that still happen racism over there, and its a really shame and kind of stupid that this things still happening.

Frolicious: Do you think it is easier for you to get modeling jobs now with the natural hair movement?
Paula Almeida:
I can not say its easier or not. In the modeling industry its all about profiles, for what the brand is looking for to represent their company. So if the client is looking for a blonde girl or a brunette girl i wont fit on what they are looking for. But If they want an afro girl, probably I will have some chance.

Frolicious: What do you love the most about your curly hair?
Paula Almeida:
I love my natural hair because it is me! It’s how I am and how I was born.

Paula Almeida Fashion Model

Frolicious: Brazilian women are considered mysterious, beautiful and fun fun fun! Is this true? What makes Brazilian women so beautiful?
Paula Almeida:
I am brazilian and and can not tell what it is hahaha. I think is natural way to be, to feel and show feelings. Brazilians its all about passion, we have our feeling popping out our skin. And I think our country is so mixed of cultures that makes brazilians get one special look.

Frolicious: What is the most fun shoot you have ever done?
Paula Almeida:
I think it was for Abercrombie & Fitch Campaign. I spent one week with another models in a beautiful resort in Santa Barbara, California. We had so much fun, a lot of games, dancing and much more. Was great!

Paula Almeida Fashion Model

Frolicious: What legacy would you like to leave behind, whether to Brazilian women or women of colour around the world.
Paula Almeida:
Be yourself, love yourself.

Paula Almeida Fashion Model

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