Featured Frolicious Beauties

Natural Hair Feature – Sarah Edmund

13. August 2015
Sarah Edmund 2

Natural Hair Beauty: Sarah Edmund

Where are you from? How long have you been natural?
Sarah Edmund: I’m Sarah Edmund; 17 year old Model. I’m currently based in San Diego but was born in New York City and lived there until I moved to San Diego at the age of 16. I’ve been natural my entire life.

What made you go natural?
Sarah Edmund:
I don’t have a reason for why I went natural since I have always been natural, but I stayed natural because I am me… and I LOVE my hair!

Name you best natural hair tip for healthy hair.
Sarah Edmund: My favourite hairstyle would definitely have to be my voluminous signature fro. It’s apart of me and makes me stand out from the average straight hair girls. I’m unique with it and it’s what makes me, me!” DO NOT FLAT IRON YOUR HAIR! Trust me. Flat ironing your hair is very damaging and unnecessary for us. We have BEAUTIFUL curls, and burning our straight just for it to look straight and stringy like a wet labrador is ridiculous. Embrace your Afro.”

Would you relax your hair for 1 Million Dollar?
Sarah Edmund: Would I relax my hair for a million dollars…? WOULD I RELAX MY HAIR FOR A
MILLION DOLLARS?!?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? There is no way in hell that I
would ever relax my hair. The value of my hair is NOT worth 1 million. It’s pure
GOLD, and you can’t put a price on it.

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Contact Sarah:

Twitter and Instagram: @SarahEdmund


YouTube.com/SarahEdmund (Curly Hair Tutorials)”


Thank you Sarah for sharing your natural Hairstory and Pictures with us.
Frolicious Beauties are everywhere!

We would like to share more Frolicious Hairstories on this page. Therefor we need your story and images. Feel free to send us max. 4 pictures of your hairstyle and just answer the questions.




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