Natural Hair Tips

11 Simple Tips for Transitioning to Natural Hair

11. March 2014

 Are you ready to go natural?

These are 10 tips for transitioning from chemical treated hair to natural. This journey can be a challenge for some Frolicious Beauties as you have to deal with two hair textures. In addition to this, you also have to take care of you new growth that you don’t know yet. These tips will help you in order to keep your hair in a good condition.

1. Find your transitioning style
The goal is to blend two very different textures of hair into one. Try a bantu knot out or a twist out.

2. Detangle when hair is wet
Detangle when your hair is wet or damp. Use a good conditioner and a wide-toothed comb. How to start, is up to you. Some people start at the roots and work their way (gently) to the hair’s end and others start from the hairs’ end.

3. Keep your scalp clean
You will maybe experimenting with products, but cleanse your scalp. Don’t let the products sit on your hair for weeks.

4. Natural hair loves moisture
Dry hair will easily break. Nothing beats water when it comes to moisturizing hair, but you will need to add a leave in conditioner and an oil on top to seal in the moisture.

5. Deep condition
Transitioning hair will greatly benefit from a weekly deep conditioning treatment.

6. Wind down your heat usage
Try air drying your transitioning styles instead of using heat.

7. Protect your edges
Avoid transitioning styles that put too much tension on your front hair and the nape of your neck. The hair there is usually finer, thinner and more delicate.

8. Gentle
Be gentle to your hair. The point where your natural hair meets your processed hair is the your hair’s weakness point. Take your time when you detangle and style your hair.


Source: Internet

9. Gradually cut your damaged ends
Get a trim each month.

10. Bedtime
Sleep with a silk/satin scarf or on a silk/satin pillowcase.

11. Natural Hair Journal
Keeping a natural hair diary will show you your progress in your journey.



Instead of doing a longterm transitioning journey you could also do a big chop. There is no right or wrong who to go natural. By the end of the day it is your decision. All in all you should have fun and embrace the new You. FROLICIOUS – Be You !

What about you Frolicious Sisters?
Do you have any tips for transitioners?

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