
Nthabiseng aka Kish (Fashion Model)

9. April 2014

Fashion Model Nthabiseng: “My Style is Feisty, Sexy and Moody. Yeah, keep staring at me!”

Fashion Model Nthabiseng and Frolicious sit down to talk about being a model, natural hair care and Nelson Mandela. She also told us her opinion on racism in the fashion industry.

Frolicious: Could you please introduce yourself?
Kish: My name is Nthabiseng Kish Ntsondwa, an up & coming model from Cape Town South Africa.

Frolicious: How were you discovered as a model?
Kish: I was introduced to the modeling industry by my older sister Thato.

Frolicious: Did you realize right away that become a model was something that you were good at?
Kish: Even though I’d somewhat been involved in modeling from as young as six years old, it’s never been a priority in my life until late last year when I completed my studies in Journalism & Media Studies. As much as I really enjoy the industry, being educated has always been top of the list. And yes I’ve always known that I am good or at least have great potential as a model but I also knew that external beauty does not last forever & therefore needed to make the necessary preparations should anything out of my control hinder my modeling career.

Model: Nthabiseng @ Faith Models

Frolicious: You seem so confident on your pictures. Is that an innate quality or something you had to assume to do the model job?
Kish: A little bit of both I would say. As myfriends & I always say “shy don’t pay the bills” so one has to break free/away from whatever fears & insecurities trying to hinder your flow of creativity and do what needs to be done. Dozens of people casted for that job that you have, so right there at that moment you have to believe & convince yourself beyond reasonable doubt that you are worthy, professional & can get the job done the best & confident way you know how. The fact that you and not someone else is there means that it is your time & right at that moment. Don’t screw it up, some opportunities come around only once! Believe you can!!!

Frolicious: There are a few black top models who are calling for an end to racism on the runway. Have you ever experienced it?
Kish: When I was younger I did experience some discrimination hence my father was against the idea of me being a model such a tender age. Having said that however, I do think it has gone better over the years. I am seeing a lot more women and men of colour being booked for jobs they wouldn’t typically have been booked for a couple of years back, which is a good sign. I believe that if we continue fighting for the right to be in whatever realms we want to be in, we will eventually get there whether that is on the ramps, in films, in business, politics, science, whatever! Being African/a person of color is not a sin and certainly not a good enough reason to justify the height in which we ought to reach. No one should ever be given the power of determining someone else’s destiny but that person. The sky ought not to be the limit but a playground which wings spread out to soar to greater heights.

Frolicious: How would you describe your personal fashion style?
Kish: Feisty, sexy, moody, “in control”, “going places”, “yeah keep staring @ me”

Model: Nthabiseng @ Faith Models

Frolicious: On your twitter account you have a quotation of Nelson Mandela. What did Nelson Mandela mean to you?
Kish: When I think about him, the first three words that pop to mind is humility, power & endurance. Even though he was not perfect, he was a ball of all things great. He’s heart was kind & mind strong. He was not so stately that he could not touch the lives of those at grass root level. He knew how to act. To him it wasn’t about race but about principles. It’s about doing what’s right when it’s right irrespective of what race is going to benefit from that. He was pure inspiration, full of love and humble. He was a cool kat.

Frolicious: You are wearing a TWA. Since when have you been natural?
Kish: I have been natural since late August 2013

Frolicious: Do you have a particular hair regime e.g. before you go to bed?
Kish: I always make sure that I wash my hair with either a moisturizing or conditioning shampoo, followed by a deep conditioner or hair pudding and of course I moisturize my hair and base it at least twice a week! This gives my hair that thick, healthy shiny look.

Model: Nthabiseng @ Faith Models

Frolicious: Do you have any words of advice for those who are natural but don’t feel pretty?
Kish: It may be said that beauty begins with hair, but I believe that real beauty begins on the inside. Get to know who you are first before judging yourself. Be at peace with who you are as an individual and you will realize that hair is just a minor issue in the equation. Once the inner self is sorted, depending on the needs of your hair, do research on products that would help solve your hair issues. There are lots on the market, trust me you will find something that is just perfect for your hair type because you are never alone in a situation, especially when it comes to hair!



What do you think about racism in the fashion industry?
Comment below and let me know what do you think.


Find out more:

Kish on Twitter:

Image Source: Faith Model Management

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