Frolicious Beauties

Natural Hair Feature – Kerdisha St.Louis

25. September 2015

Where are you from? How long have you been natural?
Kerdisha St.Louis:
My name is Kerdisha St.Louis hailing from the nature isle of the Caribbean, Dominica. I’ve been natural since September of 2013.

What made you go natural?
Kerdisha St.Louis: Going natural was something I decided to do in college. I was all about discovering myself and loving myself for who I am so embracing my natural hair felt right at that time.

What is you favorite natural hairstyle?
Kerdisha St.Louis: My favorite natural hairstyle is an updo.


Kerdisha St.Louis 2

Name you best natural hair tip for healthy hair.
Kerdisha St.Louis: The key to healthy hair is to take care of it no matter what. Even if your tired rememebr to tie up your hair at night, moisturize, wash and deep condition.

Would you relax your hair for 1 Million Dollar?
Kerdisha St.Louis: Yes I would relax my hair for a Million Dollars lol.

Kerdisha St.Louis 1

More information:
Instagram: @TheKSChronicles
Facebook: @theKSChronicles
Youtube: @thekschronicles
Twitter: @thekschronicles


Thank you Kerdisha for sharing your natural Hairstory and Pictures with us.
Frolicious Beauties are everywhere!

We would like to share more Frolicious Hair Stories. Therefor we need you. Please feel free to send us max 2-4 pictures of your hairstyle and just answer the questions.


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  • Reply Im a FROLICIOUS BEAUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! | TheKSChronicles 20. October 2015 at 14:17

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