Featured Natural Hair Tips

A Satin or Would You Sacrifice Your Hair For Some Quality Time?

27. May 2015

I was doing the LCO Method 3x a week and was really happy about my progress. However, I did not recognize that it could be a romance killer. So I ask myself: Would you sacrifice your Afro for some quality time with your boyfriend?

A Satin Bonnet, Your Man & You

I would say men are visual creatures. Furthermore, they sometimes don’t understand why a hair bonnet is neccessary for us Frolicious Beauties. To make sure you look still sexy here are some solutions to keep the bedroom mojo going.

  1. . You could hide your satin bonnet under your pillow until your boyfriend falls asleep. In the morning you could take it off again before he wakes up. He would not noticed anything.
  1. You could explain him slowly how natural hair works and what it needs maintain healthy. Maybe your boyfriend would understand although he is not familiar with our curly hair night routine.
  2. You could match your satin bonnet with your pjamas to look cute.
  3. Or you could wear a simple colored hair bonnet nothing muliti-colored  or too loud.
  4. You could invest in a satin pillow or silk sheets. The only thing you need to do is to put your hair in a cute pineapple and rock them in your bedroom looking fly and fierce.
  5. You could set your hair after you have had quality time with your boyfriend as men often love to run their fingers trough your hair. But consider that they sometimes get stuck in your hair as we don’t have straight hair. This could ruined your situation more than a satin or silk bonnet.
  6. You could put your hair in a beautiful protective hairstyle like braids, hair extensions, clip in extensions or something else. Put your hair in crown and you would look classy during your special time.

    What about you, Frolicious sistas?
    Would you sacrifice your natural hair for some quality time with your boo?
    Do you have any tips?


    Share your comments below!

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  • Reply marioan 11. April 2016 at 17:55

    Hallo, für mich, der beste Start mit http://www.locahair.de/ – ich verwende die gleiche halbes Jahr und ich bin sehr glücklich.

  • Reply Curlynugrowth 1. August 2015 at 14:48

    Haha! When I first started dating my husband he had locs and I had a big curly fro so I made him wear his scarf to protect his locs and in turn I didn’t get too much flak for wearing my bonnet. But now that he’s since cut his locs, I find myself, some nights, putting my du-bag on my night stand until he goes to sleep just in case we get in a mood I know my scarf isn’t sexy lol

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