Natural Hair Tips

Giveaway Raw Shea butter – Pamper your Hair

27. September 2015
Giveaway Raw Shea butter

Enter the Giveaway Raw Shea butter

OMG you already know that I LOVE RAW SHEA BUTTER. Have you already read my review about the Benefit of Raw Shea butter or my Review of Raw Bio-Shea Butter? If not go ahead and be prepared for the colder months.

I am happy to tell you that you can now enter the giveaway Raw-Shea butter. But let me introduce you to Jislaine, a company based in Hamburg, Germany that is run by Anja-Kristina Voss. Make sure you read this to the end where you can enter the Giveaway Raw Shea Butter for you that you don’t want to miss out on.

Introducing Jislaine

Frolicious: What inspired you to launch Jislaine?
Anja-Kristina Voss: It started with the Aleppo soaps. These skin-friendly soaps from Syria have been known for over a Thousand years and were the best remedy to treat my very dry skin. Impressed by the effectiveness of this really old and traditional skincare product, I looked out for more beauty secrets from all over the world. By launching Jislaine, I wanted to make all these products available for consumers back home.

Frolicious: What makes your products e.g. shea butter unique from other brands?
Anja-Kristina Voss:
My objective is to offer all products in their most natural way. So for Jislaine’s shea butter this means that we offer it raw and unrefined. Other brands – even natural cosmetic brands – often refine shea butter. Scent and colour are being removed. At the same time a lot of the shea butter’s natural caring and healing properties get lost. Furthermore I don’t use any additives like preservatives or fragrance. As a result of the high quality standard at the manufacturing process, the shea butter has a decent and nutty scent – even without added perfume. Jislaine’s Sheabutter is 100% organic and certified by Ecocert.

Frolicious: Can you speak on some of the obstacles you’ve had at the beginning?
Anja-Kristina Voss: The biggest challenge were the regulatory requirements you have to meet when launching a cosmetic brand. The European Cosmetic Directive is very complex and compulsory not only for big enterprises but also for small start-ups. Furthermore I wanted my products to be certified by Ecocert. The certification process goes along with high costs and effort including an annual audit through an external auditor.

Frolicious: Which products do you also offer beside the shea butter?
Anja-Kristina Voss: Beside the mentioned Aleppo soaps, I offer pure Argan Oil – the traditional Anti-Aging care for skin, hair and nails. Furthermore cold-pressed Coconut butter, of which you can easily make a natural and effective deodorant cream by mixing it with baking soda. Very popular are currently the vegetable Konjac sponges, who are booming now in the face cleansing category.

Enter – Giveaway Raw Shea butter

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Good Luck :)

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  • Reply Raw Shea Butter Giveaway - Frolicious 16. October 2015 at 18:20

    […] Giveaway Raw Shea butter – Pamper your Hair […]

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