Natural Hair Tips

How to Love and Accept Your Natural Hair

22. March 2016

Do you love and accept your natural hair? I am asking because I was not in a good place with my natural hair. Almost 2 months ago, I noticed a huge setback regarding my hair. My routine was not working anymore. I tried different routines and products but nothing worked. My hair was suffering even more the more I tried. So I decided to leave my hair alone, which was a huge mistake. Are you going through the same phase right now? Read this. It will help you a lot. Believe me, like MJ said: “You Are Not Alone”.

I was not taking care of my hair anymore. I left it in a ponytail for weeks and just spritz my hair with water and a bit leave in conditioner. For weeks, I did not do anything with my hair. I did not protect it for bedtime or did any deep conditioning treatments. I did not even detangle my hair. I was fed up with my hair texture and everything was has to do with it.

Although I am a natural hair blogger, I don’t consider myself as an expert. I am just on my hair journey like you are which means I am learning how to deal with my hair. The only difference is that I am sharing my experiences on this blog. Yes, there was a time, when I was not taking care of my hair.

One day, I knew that I have to deal with my hair. I was ready and took a look at it. You can imagine what I saw. I had some breakage areas on my entire head. I was angry with myself. All the work that I have put in over the past three years. I had no choice to cut all the breakage off. I realised that I have to love, accept and appreciate my hair texture again.

Love and Accept Your Natural Hair

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Do you remember the excitement when you started your natural hair journey?

I do, I was so curios to see my hair texture. I literally welcomed and loved every inch of my new growth. Love and accept your natural hair texture you were born with. Appreciate every inch of your hair growth and take care of it.


Forgive yourself for not taking care of your hair. Forgive your mother for not teaching you how to love and accept your natural hair or how to take care of it.


Learn how to properly take care of your hair texture. Books help me a lot to understand the science and history of my hair texture. Learn how to deal with people who ask you strange questions or who don’t understand african textured hair. Knowing the history and politics behind african textured hair will help you to deal with strange questions that people ask you. This will also help you to educate friends or family members who love to joke about your Frolicious hair.

Take care of your hair

Now it’s time to take care of your hair. That also includes to eat the right food. Feed your hair from inside which also means drink enouth water. Don’t forget to exercise on a regular basis. Embrace your hair and don’t hide it all the time.

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The time you need to go through all these 4 stages will vary. One stage might be easier for you than the other one. However, you will grow after each step. Love and accept your natural hair and who you are. I am in love with my hair again and I can already see a difference in my hair health.



Why did you start your natural hair journey? Do you love and accept your natural hair?



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