Natural Hair Beauty: Leila Davis Please introduce yourself. Leila Davis: My name is Leila Davis, I’m from Stratford, CT. I’m currently going to college to become nurse anesthetist. I’m 19 years old and, have…
Recently, I was invited to a wedding and I was looking for nice dress or skirt. Due to my research on the internet I saw these simple and colourful maxi skirts by Mélange Mode and…
Are you looking for a way to proctect your hair in winter? The days are getting colder be prepared for this winter season. I have some great hairstyles including tutorials for you. They are…
Thank you for participating in our Raw Shea Butter Giveaway Giveaway! Winter is coming. We encourage everyone to try this amazing shea butter! Simply use the code “Frolicious10” for 10% off any purchase. Expires October…
Are you eating the right foods for hair growth? Hair growth is tied to what you choose to eat. You don’t have to change everything. However, if you eat a healthy diet, you will…
What is your idea of beauty? Can beauty be defined by age, skin color or body shape? Confucius once said “Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it”. Who gets to decide? We…
Ode is one of the designer who is going to present her collection at the docklandFASHIONparty on Thursday October 1st in Hamburg. The music & fashion party will take place at IndoChine (Hamburg, Germany) and…
The first thing you notice about Teyonah Parris is her beautiful smile and her Frolicious natural hair – both are big and impossible to look a way from. She is a stunning beauty. You…
Enter the Giveaway Raw Shea butter OMG you already know that I LOVE RAW SHEA BUTTER. Have you already read my review about the Benefit of Raw Shea butter or my Review of Raw…
Where are you from? How long have you been natural? Kerdisha St.Louis: My name is Kerdisha St.Louis hailing from the nature isle of the Caribbean, Dominica. I’ve been natural since September of 2013.…